ACM-SIGCHI Summer School Application
We encourage submissions from students and researchers working on Intelligent User Interfaces research with backgrounds in:
Human-Computer Interaction
Cultural heritage
Internet of things
Mobile and Wearable computing
Input / Output techniques
Computer Visualization
and similar areas.
(if you are a master student but plan to continue into a PhD program, please also apply)
Please submit a 4 to 6 pages paper, including references, in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format.
Your submission should describe your research and achievements so far, a short biography, and a statement of why you want to participate.
To submit, send your file as a PDF to:
Application Deadline: June 15, 2018 June 30, 2018 (23:00 PDT)
Notification: July 1, 2018
Summer School: October 2-5, 2018
Costs and support:
Registration is available at a discounted rate of 300USD and a student rate of 100USD. A number of bursaries will be available for SIGCHI student members. Please specify in your application that you would like to apply for the sponsorship. The registration fee covers participation, morning and afternoon breaks, lunches, visits, and a social dinner on Tuesday.